Saturday, November 22, 2008

Second Time Around

Do you ever make time to reread a book? I hardly do. There are so many good books to read that I feel rereading a book is usually a waste of time. It blows my mind that my high school students sometimes reread the Harry Potter series. I'm all for students reading for fun, so I don't stop them from going back to Hogwarts. But rereading a series indicates to me that a reader is immature. Why not try something new?

All the same, I recently reread The Kite Runner because I was teaching it for the first time to my sophomores. I had read Kite Runner while I was in college, but I could not remember all the details, thus the reread. I added this acclaimed novel to the curriculum this year after I cut out The Natural. I don't like to use pre-made quizzes and tests. I write my own. Plus, I wanted to lead discussion on the novel based on my own reading experience, and not on an online summary.

I know some English teachers do not reread a novel each time that they teach it. They just reuse their notes from the past, which is understandable. Not every teacher has time to reread a book year after year. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed my second go round with this novel. I picked up on the foreshadowing this time--there was a lot of it--and I understood the characters better. There was even one small part of the plot that my students explained to me during discussion that I had never understood before!

What novel(s) do you like to reread?


Erin said...

Ha, loved the Crocs UGLY!!!! ;)

I must disagree with you on your opinion that rereading a book indicates an immature reader. Do you ever watch the same movie more than once? The same reruns of "Friends" or "The Office"...? I believe it simply means the reader enjoyed the experience of that particular book, and they want to have that experience again.

I love to reread Pride and Prejudice, Katherine and a few others simply for experience I see through the characters.

However, I am sometimes afraid to pick up a new book and devote my free time to reading it. I can't STAND the feeling of finishing a book and NOT enjoying the read for any reason. Waste of time! So, I will go back to what I know I love or wait for a recommendation from another trusted reader.

Mr. Stephenson said...

You make good points, Erin. Maybe I am being too harsh. But what if a person only watched reruns of "Friends"? They don't watch "Seinfeld" or "The Office." Nothing but "Friends" on DVR or DVD all the time. They think only "Friends" can truly make them laugh. Wouldn't that person need to try something else? I think the same applies to a person who only reads the same genre over and over again.

I'm not saying my Harry Potter-aholics read only HP. They read other books as well. And I think that we bring our own experiences with us each time we read a book--whether it is the first time or the fifth time. So books can still seem fresh, even if we've read them before. And I've certainly reread The Giver, To Kill a Mockingbird, and others.

I'm glad you disagreed with me because that makes me think and evaluate my own reasoning.

Speaking of recommendations, have you read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak? It's not just another Holocaust book. It's narrated by Death. You have to read it! And as far as I can recall, no animals are harmed during the first chapter--or any chapter for that matter.

Erin said...

You are right; each reread or first read creates new experiences that go with us through the next book we read...even if it is the same book over and over! ;)

I have not read this Book Theif...but I am wary of taking suggestions from those in support of animal cruelty....



But you know, since we are on the topic of books, I must ask how you find the desire to want to read during the school year? I find that I am delving into literature ALL DAY with Brit. Lit. Seniors, so when I come home, I just can't read anymore. It is sad, but it is true. I'm all read out by the end of the day. Now, it is different in the summer. I will sit for days and read books and can't get enough of it...but not from August-May!

Pleasant Living said...

Hey, Jason! Just found your blog through Erin's. Hope you're doing well. It's been a while!

Alison Young said...

I admit that I enjoy rereading harry potter. Actually my host sister who is exchanging in kansas has the books in english here. so I've reread them here :)
I usually reread books when I don't have enough money for barnes and noble and don't want to read the books my mother suggests...
Book thief=amazingness!!!
I never finished I am the messenger though. Didn't have the time.