To Kill a Mockingbird Tweets
From sophomore students at Deer Creek High School (Edmond, OK)

Atticus Finch @I_See_Gray:
· What defines a man these days? Character or color? #WeAllKnowThatANSWER
· My children are remarkable. S/O to @Scout_Finch for keeping the peace.
· @Ms.Dubose Jem will be happy to read to you #sorryabouttheplants
· I am always a little up and to the left. Still got the job done though. #GoodShotForAnOldMan
Dill Harris @DillPickle:
· Dared @jemmyboy to run up and touch the Radley house #hestoochicken
· @Scout_F I love you! We are going to get married don’t worry I’ll come back for you. #wordscantevenexpressit
· I sure did give @jemmyboy, @Scout_F and @Ol’_lawyer a good surprise today. Ran away and snuck in (: @thatshowIroll
· I can read. I can write and I’ve washed a camel! @BeatThat
Arthur Radley @scissor_recluse48:
· @PoutScouty235 You’re welcome about the blanket. #payitforward
· What’s up with the kids at the school thinking my tree’s fruit is poision? #Goonkids #eatup
· Someone give me the deets on the trial! I wanna know if the world is ready 4 me again
· Totes just shanked @OleBobbyE after he attack two kids #whatapunk
Scout Finch @JLScout:
· Bout to go to school for the first day #nervous :/
· Feelin kinda risky today. @Jem_Finch, Lil_Dill, and I are gonna go mess with Boo Radley. #ThugLife
· What’s up with old women these days?? Tryna make me act like a lady. #SMH
· @Farmerboy_Cunningham must LOVE ruining food. Who puts syrup on their veggies??!! #smh..
Scout Finch @Scout_finch:
· #thewayiseeit we’re all people, so why don’t we all get treated equally? #peoplethesedays
· #thatawkwardmoment when your neighbor is a recluse and you have never seen him before #comeoutcomeoutwhereveryouare
· @QueenAlexandria I hate being treated like I’m stupid! I don’t want to act like a lady! I want [to] wear overalls and run around outside everyday! #tomboyproblems
· #thatawkwardmoment when you get in trouble for using bad language when your cousin is really the one who started it all. #stupiduncle #stuckupcousinproblems
Jem Finch @JemFinch:
· Just got done reading to a half dead person for 2 hours #mindnumbing
· Calpurnia’s lemonade sure hits the spot after playing all day #rubbingmybelly
· It sure is cold out in the open all exposed #notwearingpantsandlikingit
· Shout out to my home dog Boo for savin my life. #livininthehood
· Dill my man if you touch my sister ill beat the truth out of you #mysistermarriedmybestfriend
Scout Finch @ShoutyScouty:
· #yourecreepy RT @BooRad-est: Sitting in my house watching little kids pass by #ComeAndPlay #IHaveCandy
· I’m refusing to go to school. Why you might ask? #ImSmarterThanEveryone
· RT @DillPickle So happy to be married #OneSummerStrong
· Having a drunken fool slice open your ‘ham’ costume #HappyHalloween
· If you don’t like my overalls, I don’t like you. #TomBoyProblems
· I eat mysterious gum off of trees #SoGross #YetSoGood
· RT @KittyCalpurrrnia: Taking these kids to church #ThrowDownTime #StayOutOfMyWay
· My brother is such a crank pank #PubertyProblems
· I’ll never act like a girl #outcast #AgainstAuthority
Calpurnia @number1nanny:
· Glad @jem_finch is okay, it’s been a long night for the Finch family #relieved
· Sad to deliver the news to Mrs. Robinson #prayforher #RIPtom
· Proud of @scoutfinch8 for serving the ladies toady! #goodwork #taughtyouwell
· @jem_finch @scoutfinch8 Where are you two?! #comehome
· Still can’t believe you did that… RT @scoutfinch8: Sorry for being rude today @waltercunningham! #didntknowanybetter
· Lonely without @jem_finch and @scoutfinch8 running around! #backtoschool
Ha ha, love this! You're such a good teacher to make lessons like this. Good job!
Thanks, friend! Their other options were to write "Where I'm From" poems for 2 characters from the novel or to label 10 important events on a map of Maycomb. :)
Great job, students!
WOW! Love this idea. Hope you don't mind if I "steal" and "share" with my new teachers. :-)
You are welcome to steal and share. :) Be sure and share my blog address or my Twitter handle (@teacherman82) as well! :)
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